If Grunt shows error:
line 1 col 13 Strings must use singlequote.
In app/.jshintrc
“quotmark”: “single”
“quotmark”: “true”
If Grunt shows error:
line 1 col 13 Strings must use singlequote.
In app/.jshintrc
“quotmark”: “single”
“quotmark”: “true”
create a file named:
Paste the following lines into that file.
"directory" : "public/bower_components"
Other configuration details can be found here.
Don’t get suckered into using the following line to reference static files like I did.
app.set(express.static(__dirname + ‘/bower_components’));
One, it will often result in 404 errors and two it statically references directory separators.
Instead use Path.
Add this in the server file.
path = require(‘path’);
And this line where appropriate.
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, ‘bower_components’)));
To create a short cut or symbolic link from the Sublime executable to the /usr/local/bin/ folder, type the following command.
$ ln -s “/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl” /usr/local/bin/subl
The shortcut name at the end of /usr/local/bin/ can be anything you want. Sublime itself, uses subl, on my machine the shortcut is sublime.
After this is done, issuing the following command from the command line will open the current folder in sublime.
$ sublime .