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namespace :db_utils do desc "db_utils" # POSTGRES - options - notes # -C Begin the output with a command to create the database itself and reconnect to the created database. # If --clean is also specified, the script drops and recreates the target database before reconnecting to it. # -h hostname # -U username # file_provided? is not in use but may be helpful moving forward def file_provided?(file) unless file puts "Please specify an export file name." return false end return true end def db_provided?(db) unless db puts "Please specify a db to export." return false end return true end def db_exists?(db) # system and backticks issue sh commands not bash commands # add "bash", "-c" before cmd to use bash return system "bash", "-c", "psql -lqt | cut -f 1 -d \\| | grep -w #{db} | wc -l" puts "db_exists? #{exists}" end def create_time_stamp() return"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end def set_file(file) if (file.nil?) file = create_time_stamp() end if ("#{file}".include? ".sql") return file else return "#{file}.sql" end end def default_file() app = Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore return "#{Rails.root}/db/#{app}.sql" end # returns -h host def set_host(host) if (host.nil?) host = "localhost" end return "-h #{host}" end # confirms db provided and db exists # returns -d dbname def set_db(db) if (db_provided?(db) && db_exists?(db)) return "-d #{db}" end end # returns -U with env username or current user from whoami def set_user(user) if (user.nil?) # Strip trailing whitespace user = `whoami`.strip end return "-U #{user}" end def create_db(db) system "createdb '#{db}'" end def backup_to_file(host, user, db, file) if db_provided?(db) && db_exists?(db) host = set_host(host) user = set_user(user) db = set_db(db) file = set_file(file) # --clean Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) creating them. # --verbose output detailed object comments # --no-owner Do not output commands to set ownership of objects to match the original database. # --no-acl Prevent dumping of access privileges (grant/revoke commands). # -Fc The most flexible output file format is the "custom" format (-Fc) # --format=t Output a tar-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore! cmd = "pg_dump #{host} #{user} --clean --verbose --no-owner --no-acl -Fc --format=t #{db} > #{file}" puts cmd system cmd end end def restore_from_file(host, user, db, file) if db_provided?(db) host = set_host(host) user = set_user(user) db = set_db(db) file = set_file(file) # --verbose output detailed object comments # --no-owner Do not output commands to set ownership of objects to match the original database. # --no-acl Prevent dumping of access privileges (grant/revoke commands). cmd = "pg_restore --verbose #{host} #{user} --no-owner --no-acl #{db} < #{file}" puts cmd system cmd end end def killDB(db) # old attempt #cmd = "psql #{user} postgres; REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE #{db} FROM public; ALTER DATABASE #{db} CONNECTION LIMIT 0; SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid() AND datname='#{db}'; DROP DATABASE #{db};" # Fix This? # boot connected db users to drop db # this is the only way to remove the lock on the db # I've found that works killDB = "ps xa | grep postgres: | grep #{db} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | sudo xargs kill" system killDB end # pg uses current user as default # to do - add host def drop_db(user, db) user = set_user(user) if (!db.nil? && db_exists?(db)) killDB(db) cmd = "dropdb #{db}" puts cmd end end def backup_env(originStr) origin = get_environment_config(originStr) puts "backup_env" backup_to_file(origin["host"], origin["username"], origin["database"], nil) end def get_environment_config(env = Rails.env) return Rails.configuration.database_configuration[env] end def migrate_db_env(originStr, destStr) # environment vars origin = get_environment_config(originStr) dest = get_environment_config(destStr) # database.yml doesn't always have username for development # current user is the likely owner of the pg db dest_username = (dest["username"].nil?) ? `whoami`.strip : '#{dest["username"]}' killDB(dest["database"]) drop_db(dest_username, dest["database"]) # FIX THIS - NOT WORKING / Too many vars migrateDb(origin["host"], origin["username"], origin["database"], dest["host"], dest_username, dest["database"]) end # FIX THIS - Too many vars # complex manual setup # set up to use set_user etc.. def migrateDb(originHost, originUser, originDB, destHost, destUser, destDB) system "migrateDb" # should be split into syntax builders and use | cmd = "pg_dump -h #{originHost} -U #{originUser} --clean --verbose --no-owner --no-acl -Fc --format=t -d #{originDB} | pg_restore -h #{destHost} -U #{destUser} -d #{destDB} --clean --create --verbose" puts cmd system cmd end # TASKS task :backup, [:db, :file] => :environment do |task, args| puts "backup db #{} #{args.user} #{args.db}" backup_to_file(nil, nil, args.db, args.file) end task :drop, [:db] => :environment do |task, args| puts "drop db" drop_db(nil, args.db) end task :restore, [:db, :file] => :environment do |task, args| puts "restore db #{args.db} #{args.file}" restore_from_file(nil, nil, args.db, args.file) end task :backup_drop_restore, [:fromdb, :todb, :file] => :environment do |task, args| puts "backup_drop_restore db" backup_to_file(args.fromdb, args.file) drop_db(nil, args.todb) restore_from_file(nil, nil, args.todb, args.file) end task :migrate_db_env, [:fromdb, :todb] => :environment do |task, args| puts "migrate_db_env db" migrate_db_env(args.fromdb, args.todb) end task :backup_env, [:db] => :environment do |task, args| puts "backup_env db" backup_env(args.db) end task :dumpDB, [:env] =>:environment do |task, args| cmd = nil dbEnv = get_environment_config(args.env) backup_to_file(dbEnv["host"], dbEnv["username"], dbEnv["database"], default_file()) end task :restoreDB, [:env] =>:environment do |task, args| cmd = nil dbEnv = get_environment_config(args.env) # Fix This? # disconnect connected db users to drop db # this is the only way to remove the lock on the db I've found that works killDB(dbEnv["database"]) drop_db(nil, dbEnv["database"]) Rake::Task["db:drop"].invoke create_db(dbEnv["database"]) Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke restore_from_file(dbEnv["host"], dbEnv["username"], dbEnv["database"], default_file()) end # # rake db:schema:dump # rake db:schema:load # Order of events # rake db:drop # createdb ats_development # rake ats_api:db:v2:migrate # rake db_utils:backup_env[staging] # rake db_utils:restore[db_name,20150512151540.sql] # OR # rake db_utils:migrate_db_env[staging,development] # API Server must be down during rake # # Examples # output db with structure and create commands using datetimestamp.sql as file name # rake db_utils:backup[db_name] # output db with structure and create commands using # rake db_utils:backup[db_name, 'backup.sql'] # drop a db # rake db_utils:drop[db_name] # restore db from file # rake db_utils:restore[db_name,20150506153637.sql] # migrate directly from one db to another db as described in database.yml # rake db_utils:migrate_db_env[staging,development] end